License Type |
To sign up for a new GFI ClearView subscription. Renewal: When Software Maintenance expires, the product stops working, you lose the right to receive support and it is no longer possible to download updates. If GFI ClearView has expired less than 40 days ago, simply purchase a license renewal to get back up and running. The new expiration date does not change but will be brought forward by 1, 2 or 3 years depending on the Software Maintenance selected. |
Attention: licenses and subscriptions can be renovated not later than 60GG from the expiration date; we will not be able to process any order after said period of time.
Nodes |
Software Maintenance |
Once Software Maintenance expires, after 40 days the product stops working and you lose the right to receive support, and you can no longer download updates. In the occurrence of new licenses and reactivations, the Software Maintenance is valid from the order management date. For renewals, the new expiration day/month won't differ from the previous one, but it will be postponed for 1,2, or 3 years, depending on the selected Software Maintenance.
BEWARE: If the license already expired, please reach to our Sales department to have the price rechecked. |
Name |
Surname |
Country |
Province |
City |
Postcode |
Address |
Phone |
Company Name |
For the first activation of CompleteFTP it is necessary to specify the Name and surname of the license holder.
License Key |
For first time activation of GFI ClearView you will need to specify the license holder's License Key.
Expiration date |
Click here to request more information |