
Next Generation Firewall

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Unified threat management with Kerio Control Firewall

Protect your network from viruses, malware and malicious activity with Kerio Control, the most powerful, easy-to-administer all-in-one security solution.
Kerio Control brings together next-generation firewall capabilities -- including an enterprise network firewall and router, detection and protection system (IPS), anti-virus gateway, VPN, and web & application filtering.
These comprehensive features and unmatched deployment flexibility make Kerio Control the ideal choice for small and medium-sized businesses.

The advantages

Kerio Control safe


Implement the best security technologies thanks to deep packet inspection, advanced routing, IPS (intrusion Prevention System), IDS (Intrusion Detection System), Antivirus, Web Filtering, Application Filtering, Secure Web Search and many other advanced protection technologies

Complete Kerio Control

Business suit

All the protection and management functions that a corporate network firewall must have are integrated. No other tools or software are needed to meet all the needs a network administrator requires. Kerio Control is a complete product

Kerio Control leader

Industry leader

ICSA Labs certified with the coveted EIST Award, awarded only to those who have subjected their product to tests for over 10 consecutive years, maintaining their valid certification with ICSA Labs. Constantly updated with the latest technologies and features

Kerio Control responsive2

Easy Administration

Quick and easy setup, configuration and administration. Managing Kerio Control is something that even the least experienced technicians can do.

Kerio Control distribution

Flexible Distribution

Available as Software, Hardware or as a Virtual Appliance. One of a kind, it lends itself to all IT environments, Kerio Control is the perfect solution for every scenario.

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Try it free for 30 days. Unlimited license and support for the entire trial period.

Free Trial

State-of-the-art Next-Generation Firewall, Router and IPS

Preserve the integrity of your servers and PCs with in-depth packet inspection and advanced network routing capabilities, including simultaneous support for IPv4 and IPv6.
Create and manage inbound and outbound traffic policies with restriction of communications by specific URLs, applications, traffic type, content categories, and time & day.
Kerio Control's IPS engine adds a transparent layer of network protection, through Snort-based behavioural analysis and regular updating of the database of signatures & blacklisted IP addresses related to emerging threats.
Manages site-to-site and client-to-site scenarios thanks to different VPN clients (with integrated antivirus)
and provides on-demand and continuous modes with multiplatform flexibility.
Create high-performance connections between multiple branches of the same IT infrastructure using easy-to-deploy VPN technology and provide remote users with a secure & reliable channel.

kerio control ips

Avanzato Gateway Antivirus

Keep viruses, worms, Trojans and spyware off your network with Kerio's integrated Antivirus Gateway.
The optional Kerio Antivirus service scans all web traffic, FTP, email attachments and downloads.
It automatically updates itself with the latest virus definitions

kerio control antivirus

Industry-leading Web, Content and Application Filtering

Selectively block, allow or log access to 141 categories of web content and applications, using Kerio Control Web Filter with application filtering.
Prevent bandwidth-hungry video streaming or block peer-to-peer networks.
Prevent users from visiting sites known to contain viruses and spyware or prevent them from falling for phishing threats or identity theft.
The Kerio Control Web Filter option with application filtering helps you limit legal liability, protect your network, and increase user productivity by limiting access to dangerous or inappropriate sites, or simply preventing users from wasting their time.

kerio control filtering

Unrivalled Quality of Service (QoS)

Easily monitor and prioritize network traffic and ensure the highest speeds for the types of traffic that matter most.
Load Balancing allows traffic to be distributed across multiple Internet lines.
Internet Link Load Balancing optimizes Internet access by distributing traffic across multiple links.
Kerio Control monitors connection availability, and automatically disables or enables connections to ensure continuous Internet access.
Kerio Control QoS offers granular control over how much bandwidth each type of network traffic can consume.
Throttle lower-priority traffic by setting a maximum bandwidth, or guarantee high-priority traffic by assigning a minimum threshold.
Kerio Control also uses its Load Balancing feature to distribute Internet traffic across multiple accesses.

kerio control service

Usage reports to increase productivity

Get a detailed usage report with Kerio Control statistics
This component allows network managers and administrators to see individual users' Internet and application activities - from a list of all sites visited, to specific terms users use on search engines and websites. Use granular insights to refine traffic rules, track employee performance, and more.
Plus, these granular reports can be scheduled to run automatically and be sent via email, ready for you to view -- no need to do the same tasks every week, manually.

kerio control reporting

Secure VPN

Create secure, high-performance server-to-server connections between your offices with Kerio Control’s easy-to-setup VPN technology
Kerio has its own very simple VPN tunnel that requires minimal setup, and provides a high-performance network connection.
Alternatively, you can create a secure VPN connection to a remote office without Kerio Control deployed, using industry-standard VPN protocols
Enable 2-step verification for an additional layer of security on all forms of remote access.

kerio control vpn_2

Remote Management and Monitoring

Manage all administration and configuration tasks from a customizable web console using your desktop or tablet.
Quick and secure access from an intuitive interface to security settings, user management, bandwidth and traffic policies.
Maintain control of all your firewalls from anywhere using MyKerio
Manage multiple Kerio Control deployments through a centralized web interface that provides consolidated system information, automatic configuration backup, status monitoring, system notifications, and complete remote configuration.
Receive notifications directly on your mobile device with the MyKerio application for iPhone and Apple Watch.
You can rest assured that your appliances are online and if there are any status changes, you will be the first to know.

kerio control simplicity

Flexible Distribution

Maintain security in any IT environment, now and in the future.
Deploy it as a performance-optimized software appliance, virtual machine, or hardware appliance.
Remote deployment of hardware appliances is easier and faster than ever with auto-provisioning through MyKerio.
Kerio Control supports your organization's IPv6 strategy, whether you are transitioning from IPv4 or using both protocols.
You can use your favorite SNMP tools to monitor the status of Kerio Control.

kerio control deployment_0


Network Firewall and Router

  • ICSA Labs certified corporate firewall
  • Deep packet inspection
  • Inspection of protocols
  • Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI)
  • Server DHCP
  • DNS Forwarding
  • NAT mapping
  • MAC filtering
  • Anti-Spoofing
  • 802.1Q VLAN support
  • Detailed traffic rules management
  • Rule timing
  • Multiple IPs per interface (multi-homing)
  • Management of connection limits
  • Multiple IPs per interface (multi-homing)
  • Dynamic DNS interfacing
  • Routing table management
  • Reverse proxy
  • Simultaneous support for IPv4 and IPv6
  • IPv6 Router Advertisements


  • Remote administration via Web
  • Multi-level administration rights
  • One-click updates
  • Web debugging tools
  • Configuration export/import
  • Configuration backup - locally, in the cloud (via or remote (via FTP)
  • Authentication via AD, OD or local DB
  • Default domain template for config
  • Automatic logout after timeout
  • Management of time intervals
  • Multi-lingual interface


  • The ability to divide or force tunnels
  • Multiple/simultaneous site-to-site tunnels
  • Kerio VPN client-to-site/site-to-site
  • IPsec client-to-site/site-to-site
  • Kerio VPN client for Windows, Mac and Linux
  • Optional persistent connections
  • Multiple VPN connections stored
  • Strong SSL encryption
  • VPN tunnel failover management
  • NAT support
  • Authentication via AD, OD or local DB
  • L2TP over IPsec for mobile devices
  • Automatic or custom routing

Load Balancing & QoS

  • Traffic balancing on heterogeneous lines
  • Traffic distribution on multiple lines
  • Active/active and active/passive failover
  • Traffic rules based on users or groups
  • User data transfer quotas
  • Management of bandwidth quotas and limits
  • Traffic priority management (QoS)
  • Low priority traffic limitation
  • Rules also applied based on time frame, traffic type, users, services, DSCP and VPN tunnels
  • Real-time bandwidth usage monitoring by interface, by host and by user

Content filtering

  • Optional restrictions for users, hosts, traffic types, user groups, time ranges and much more
  • URL rules (with use of wildcards), URL groups, Forbidden words (in pages), Categories (with Kerio Control Web Filter), file type, traffic type, and much more
  • Optional P2P blocking
  • FTP rules
  • Optional proxy server
  • Management of notices to administrators
  • Antivirus check (with Kerio plugin)

Monitoring and reporting

  • Kerio Control Statistics Module
  • Detailed reporting of website usage, protocols, bandwidth and more
  • Filters Operated report
  • Automatic report emails
  • Ranking of visited sites
  • Hourly user traffic
  • Search keys used in Google
  • Kerio Control Web Filter Review
  • SNMP monitoring
  • General system status monitoring
  • Traffic graphs
  • Administration dashboard
  • Report by traffic category
  • Real-time monitoring of activities

User authentication

  • Active Directory/Open Directory integration
  • Proxy server authentication (for Terminal services)
  • Kerberos/NTLM authentication
  • Password guessing protection
  • NT domains
  • Web Login

Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDS & IPS)

  • Snort-based packet analyzer
  • Emerging Threats rules database
  • Database of blacklisted IPs updated remotely
  • Three levels of security
  • Handling of exceptions for false positives
  • Application to IPv4 and IPv6 traffic

User Feedback on Kerio Control

New License

Kerio Control licenses are counted based on the number of users, i.e. the number of people allowed to connect to Kerio Control - each with a maximum of 5 devices represented by IP addresses (including connections via VPN clients).
If a user attempts to connect from more than five devices at a time, an additional user license is required.
Guest users are not counted as licensed users and traffic rules do not apply to them.
The admin account doesn’t use up a license.
All licenses start from a basic package of 10 users which can be easily extended at any time, as long as the additional users are always multiples of 5;
All new licenses include one year of SWM - this is the Software Maintenance fee that allows you to download updates and continue using add-ons.
If additional users and/or add-ons are integrated into the product over time, they automatically have the same expiration date as the basic license.


When Kerio Control maintenance expires, the product continues to operate normally but it will no longer be possible to:

  • Receive Technical Support
  • Download the updates
  • Use the Kerio Web Filter
  • Use Kerio Antivirus

To become operational again, simply purchase the license renewal and, once the order is processed, Kerio Control will update itself within a few hours. If this is not the case, get in touch with us this guide to speed up the procedure.
In any case, we recommend renewing a few days in advance in order to avoid any problems. By purchasing software maintenance in advance, you do not lose any days of validity. Each license may be renewed no later than 60 days from the expiry date; beyond this limit, we will not be able to process any renewal orders.

Upgrade & downgrade

When we talk about upgrades and downgrades, we are referring to the number of users or add-ons. You can upgrade or downgrade at any time.


The upgrade procedure is very simple: choose the product you are interested in, add it to the cart and indicate the license key on which you intend to apply it.

  • Additional users:
    the correct item to choose is the one that says Kerio Control Additional users (Cost per user, to be ordered in multiples of 5). Please note that SWM is NOT written in the product name.
  • Web Filter & Kerio AV:
    the correct item to choose is the one that says Upgrade. Remember that it is not possible to purchase add-ons for a different number of users than the license you have. Every time you upgrade, it automatically aligns with the expiration date of the base license.

Once the order has been processed, Kerio Control will update automatically within a few hours.


The downgrade procedure requires written authorization from the end customer.
It is sufficient to send an email to where the request is explicitly stated.
For example, the authorization must be written like this:
I, the undersigned Mario Rossi, request the removal of users / Web Filter / Kerio AV from license n°.
Once Kerio confirms that it has removed what was requested, you will receive a communication from us.

Supported platforms and mobile devices

Windows Phone


Who uses Kerio and GFI

Below, divided by sector, are some of the famous companies that use the solution

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customes uticon

customes vlsi

customes Halcyon
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customers zinsser
customes abena
customers onondaga

customers lovetts
customers andreButterMorriss
customers Longo
customes partner
customers JohnBonica
customers Larocca

customers AdvizorSolutions
customers Alfatech
customers CMMS
customers Discovery Consulting
customers Control Concepts
customers Halma IT
customers French Broad
customers Quadrox
customers Infor
customers LTech
customers QCTV
customers Turboseparator
customers Kellner Telekom

customers Awenzler
customers MHP
customers Containerships
customes cuppen
customes dicar
customers MD Helicopter
customers HDS
customers TransGì Freight
customers TTT Lines
customers Jac Hanse

customers Tas
customers Gateway
customers Classic Jewels
customers Gray
customers IRT
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customers Brandle
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customers Dewco
customers Falcon
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customers Fosters
customers EBMC
customers Hyman
customers KPA Promotions
customers LS Loading Systems
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customers NCB
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customes Timber
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customers Zenner
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customers Timzo
customers Martin Roofing
customers Algemene Rekenkamer
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