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VM Explorer, il backup e disaster recovery per VMware ESX/ESXi e Microsoft Hyper-V

VM Explorer is a Backup solution that facilitates Backup and Disaster Recovery management activities in VMware ESX and Microsoft Hyper-V environments.
VM Explorer supports VMWare ESXi version to perform full backups and replications.

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The advantages

facile da installare

Easy to Install

VM Explorer is easy to install and ready to use in minutes. The size of the installation file is less than 20 MB and the installation is done with just a few clicks.
There is no need to add dedicated virtual machines on your virtualization servers.

prezzo vantaggioso

Advantageous price

Micro Focus VM Explorer has a much more advantageous cost per socket than Veeam, about half, furthermore the cost of renewing the product is very low.
A single license can be used for both VMware and Hyper-V

Job scheduler

Job Scheduler

The integrated scheduler allows you to perform automated and periodic backups of your virtual infrastructure.
Furthermore, jobs can be started through the graphical interface or via the command line.

Backup completi

Full or Incremental Backups

In addition to full backups, VM Explorer supports Changed Block Tracking (CBT) technology to create incremental backups.
You can restore from any version in the backup history.



With the Replication function (point in time replication) you can replicate any VM on another host, an interesting feature in the event of "disaster recovery".
Thanks to this feature the VM is automatically registered on the backup server and is ready to be started.

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Multi Hypervisor

VM Explorer integrates support for VMware ESX/ESXi (including ESXi free) and Microsoft Hyper-V in a single software. With the same license you can connect simultaneously to VMware vSphere hosts (paid or free) and to hosts based on Microsoft Hyper-V. Those who use both platforms, perhaps with different customers, can therefore adopt the same solution, without wasting time learning the interface and operation of two different products.

The alternative to Veeam

Comparison of VM Explorer PRO vs Veeam - 4 Socket
5000 Comparison of VM Explorer PRO vs Veeam - 4 Socket
VM Explorer Enterprise Veeam Standard Veeam Enterprise Veeam Enterprise Plus
VM Explorer Enterprise vs Veeam Comparison - 6 Sockets
7000 Comparison of VM Explorer PRO vs Veeam - 4 Socket
VM Explorer Enterprise Veeam Standard Veeam Enterprise Veeam Enterprise Plus

A tool within everyone's reach

The installation of VM Explorer is very fast and can be done in a few minutes. The size of the installation file is a few tens of MB and VM Explorer can be installed on any machine with a Windows operating system that has the .NET Framework 4.0. In fact, you don't need a dedicated machine, but you can install VM Explorer on any Windows server in your infrastructure. To further confirm the ease of use, VM Explorer does not require the installation of agents on the VMs.
The software can be used both in the traditional Windows-based interface (which is now considered obsolete) and through the convenient Web interface: the available functions are similar in every way, even if the only one that will be constantly supported by Micro Focus it's the Web one.

Flexible and comprehensive backup destination

The backup destination is truly complete and constantly evolving and will soon also embrace all the other Micro Focus technologies, VM Explorer supports various scenarios as backup targets including:

  • Local Storage (directly connected)
  • NFS/CIFS (FreeBSD, Linux)
  • NAS & SAN
  • Ribbon/Tape
  • ESX Server
  • Hyper-V

Furthermore, it is possible to use public Cloud storage such as: Amazon S3, HP Cloud, OpenStack, Rackspace, but it is also possible to use your own cloud storage as a destination for VM backup, creating a private OpenStack Object Storage. For now the only SAN supported natively by the software is EMC's Scale IO.

Incremental backups and dynamic compression - CBT and VDDK

If there are WAN network connections within the infrastructure (for example for wide-area replication) or if you want to use less space on the target system, you can perform dynamic compression of backups.
VM Explorer naturally supports VMware's Changed Block Tracking (CBT) technology to create incremental backups. You can restore from any version in your backup history. For this, the software uses the VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit (VDDK) which must be downloaded and enabled to optimize the functioning of the product.
VM Explorer can automatically test a backup to verify that the VM boots correctly: a fundamental function to ensure the smooth functioning of the system. Thanks to a specific option, you can also receive an error notification when Microsoft's Volume Shadow Services (VSS) fails to create a consistent volume for backup, thus preventing problems related to suspended writes.

Replication and file level restore

VM Explorer allows replication (point in time replication) of any VM on another host: a fundamental feature to guarantee disaster recovery procedures. Thanks to this feature, the virtual machine is automatically registered on the backup server and is ready to be started.
If Changed Block Tracking (CBT) technology is enabled, VM Explorer will only replicate changes that occurred to the new target host.
VM Explorer also offers built-in "file level restore" to restore individual files from any backup (FAT, NTFS, EXT, LVM and LDM) without necessarily having to restore the entire backup. With the new version, the "file level restore" of VM Explorer also allows the restoration of individual elements - mailboxes and emails - of a VM with Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 or 2016.

Fast server to server copy

VM Explorer allows you to copy files and perform backups at maximum speed directly between ESX, ESXi, Hyper-V, Linux and FreeBSD servers. The only potential slowdown factors are available network bandwidth and disk speed. It can directly hook into any Linux or FreeBSD machine or VPS and use it as a backup destination.

Detailed notification

It is very important to be able to count on a detailed report on the outcome of the backups performed. VM Explorer sends a notification via email containing all the information about the backups performed. These reports can be consulted and exported at any time.

The strengths of VM Explorer

  • Easy to install and use
  • Console Web
  • Advantageous price
  • Job Scheduler
  • Delete ransomwar
  • Full or Incremental Backups
  • Replication
  • File Level Restore
  • Fast Copy from Server to Server
  • "Application consistent" backup using VSS and memory snapshots
  • Support for all operating systems compatible with VMware ESX/ESXi and Microsoft Hyper-V Server
  • Detailed report via email on the outcome of your backups
  • Dynamic compression

Opinions on VM Explorer

New License

Micro Focus VM Explorer is licensed based on the physical CPU sockets mounted within the hypervisor hosts that contain the virtual machines from the backup environment.
Each installation of Micro Focus VM Explorer must be licensed with a Starter Pack, upon which additional CPU sockets can then be purchased to meet the requirements of your environment.
Micro Focus VM Explorer Professional Edition Starter Pack include la licenza d'uso per 4 socket CPU. Micro Focus VM Explorer Enterprise Edition Starter Pack include la licenza d'uso per 6 socket CPU.
So for example, a Professional license allows the backup of 4 VMWare (or Hyper-V) Hosts on which 1 physical CPU each is installed, or 2 Hosts on which 2 physical CPUs are installed each.
I singoli CPU Socket sono da considerare addizionali a quelli inclusi nello starter pack.
Licenses purchased include 24x7 Micro Focus support.


Customers who wish to renew Micro Focus VM Explorer licenses that have not yet expired, or which have expired no more than 30 days ago, can refer to the prices published on the site; in this case the expiry date of the renewed product will be brought forward by 1 year compared to the previous expiry date.
For licenses that have expired more than 30 days ago, a specific quotation must be requested by writing to sales@coretech.it and a renewal will be quoted which will expire 1 year from order processing.
Discorso diverso vale per le licenze acquistate prima di Aprile 2016 per le quali continua ad essere valido il modello non a socket. Al momento non è previsto il passaggio per queste licenze al nuovo modello di licensing, pertanto i clienti che desiderano rinnovare tale licenza possono fare riferimento alla voce di rinnovo con l'annotazione "Licenze non a Socket".
This renewal will bring forward the previous deadline by 1 year.


It is possible to upgrade the version from the Professional to the Enterprise version for both the Starter Pack and the additional sockets.

Supported platforms


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VMExplorer il Backup delle VM

VMExplorer backup e disaster recovery
