MailStore - Price Configurator

VAR - Single Licenses
MSP - Flexible Licenses
Single license purchase to meet specific needs of individual customers


License Type
You can choose between three different license types:
MailStore first activation.
If MailStore expired less than a month prior, to be back operative is enough to buy the license renewal.
The new expiration day/month won't differ from the previous one, but it will be postponed for 1,2, or 3 years, depending on the selected Software Maintenance.
If MailStore expired more than a month prior, to be back operative it is mandatory to buy the license reactivation.
The new expiration date will be set to 1 year from purchase (the only possible option).
License Key
Expiring date

Numero di utenti
Le licenze di MailStore vengono conteggiate in base al numero di utenti che si desidera archiviare.
Il numero minimo di utenti acquistabili è 5.
Il costo per licenza varia in funzione al numero utenti acquistati.
Oltre i 500 utenti è necessario richiedere quotazione scrivendo a
Number of current active users
Number of additional users
Software Maintenance
MailStore Software Maintenance allows you to:
  • Receive Technical Support
  • Download the updates
  • License upgrade


Business name
For the first activation of MailStore it is necessary to specify the Name and surname of the license holder.
Expiration date

It is possible to make a RENEWAL only if the Software Maintenance has not expired or expired no more than 30 days prior.
In this case, the new expiration day/month won't differ from the previous one, but it will be postponed for 1,2, or 3 years.

If the Software Maintenance expired more than 30 days prior, it is mandatory to buy the license reactivation.
With reactivation, the new expiration date is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase.
License Key
For renewals and reactivations the license key is mandatory.


Si contano come Email da archiviare tutti gli archivi di posta gestiti, quindi sia quelli abbinati a caselle esistenti, sia quelli relativi a caselle cancellate delle quali si continua a gestire l'archivio storico


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