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When you connect to a remote caller, some commands are shown in the top toolbar. Their functions are described below.
Chat: Activates a chat room so that you can interact textually with the other person.
Stop recording: Stop recording the remote session. Useful when having limited bandwidth issues
Fit Screen: Allows you to fit the screen to your screen and/or display your interlocutor's desktop in proportion 1:1
Quality: Reduces the quality of the session to increase performance. Useful for remote tasks where you don't have a quality connection
Full screen: Allows us to adjust the camera screen to the size of our desktop.
File transfer: Allows you to transfer documents to and from your partner
Send keys: Allows you to send certain key combinations to the other person. E.g.: Ctrl-Alt-Del
Remote Installation: Allows you to install SygmaConnect remotely if you want it and if it is only run. You will be asked for administrative credentials of the caller's machine.
Screens: Selects the screen of the caller to be displayed. By default, SygmaConnect shows both desktops.
End Session: Closes the current session.