Are you missing a trick by not using GFI AppManager with Kerio Products?

Registrations are open for the CoreTech "AppManager" webinar which will be held on September 19th starting from 15.00pm (16:00 CEST - Ora italiana) and lasting approximately 1 hour.

APP Manager is more than MyKerio, it provides a unified experience across Kerio's products.
You are certainly missing out on many tricks if you are not using AppManager with your Kerio installations
Neil Whiteside is taking through the new features added every week to AppManager.
There are things you can do on Kerio Control and KerioConnect only through AppManager
Jozef Kacala from GFI will provide support for advanced questions.

The webinar is in English.

Neil Whiteside  Marino Vigliotti  jozef

The webinars will be presented by Neil Whiteside (CoreTech UK), Marino Vigliotti (CoreTech UK) and Jozef Kacala (GFI Software).

The webinar is accessible free of charge to everyone upon registration.

19 September 2024
15:00 - 16:00
  • GFI Software