All Hosting and Cloud services offered by CoreTech Srl are based on Tier IV certified datacenter infrastructures in Italy.
The two CoreTech 1Stack Data Center infrastructures are:
The STACK Infrastructure Data Center in Pavia (Siziano) was designed to respond to the needs of reliability, flexibility and performance of customers in the business world.
The STACK Infrastructure data center campus in Milan (Siziano) was designed and built according to the specifications of the Switch LAS VEGAS multi-tenant data centers, at Tier IV level, offering unparalleled connectivity.
All systems and infrastructures are built with a view to Business Continuity (power supply, air conditioning, fire prevention, perimeter security, IP network) and are subject to continuous monitoring and surveillance H24 through automated systems and supervision of specialized personnel.
During the Data Center design stage, energy efficiency has been taken into account, and through the use of advanced technologies for conditioning and climate control, we achieved the dual objective of obtaining a significant decrease in management costs and reducing the environmental impact.
STACK Infrastructure
Via Marche 8-10
27010 Siziano (PV)
The Facility is located within an area of 100.000 m2, shaping to be the biggest and most advanced data center in Italy. The structure, which covers a surface of 42.000 m2, was designed based on experience gained in the realization of SUPERNAP data centers in the USA, to achieve 100% Reliability, Power & Cooling guaranteed uptime.
The infrastructure has been designed and built with attention to environmental risks mitigation:
The architecture, engineering, technology, and data center activities benefit from the existence of 500 patents (registered and pending approval). The patents, linked to technological systems and engineering solutions adopted, make the SUPERNAP data center of Siziano one of the most advanced currently available on the Italian and European market.
The Data Center consists of 4 data halls that can host up to 1056 racks each. The connectivity to DC is guaranteed by 200 fiber pairs with differentiated paths in multi-carrier mode. In every data hall, racks are divided into aisles (T-SCIF Thermal Separate Compartment in Facility) protected by a cage structure.
Among the solutions used in the realization of the Data Center, the ones of special interest are:
The cooling system is based on an AHU (Air Handling Unit) modular set, that uses the principle of indirect evaporative cooling, via air-to-air exchangers opportunely cooled by water systems (external to the DC).
The steel infrastructure, that supports the T-SCIF system, has the function of a thermal flywheel, allowing the Facility to reach higher resilience levels above the highest industry standards.
The campus can support up to 40 MW of consumption when fully operational. All IT loads are protected by a triple-redundant UPS system, ensuring 100% availability (100% uptime). This result is made possible by the architecture of the electrical system, unique of its kind, engineered according to what is required to obtain Tier4 certification (“system + system” mode (2N + 1)).
A "system + system" is based on two separate electrical systems, each of which can support, at any time, the load of the entire Facility. Each system is equipped with its own UPS (Uninterruptible Power Systems), System Bypass Modules, PDU (Power Distribution Units), RPP (Remote Power Panels) and other components suitable for the tiering level. These systems are totally independent of each other in order to allow all maintenance, updates and troubleshooting activities both as a planned activity and on specific needs without creating any impact on the customer's business. In the data center, each power supply system is identified by a different color (red, blue, gray) allowing maintenance technicians to know in a univocal and easily identifiable way which power supply system is being worked on.
All racks are equipped with a dual power supply, both resulting from two separated power supply systems (Feed A + Feed B).
All connections (structured cabling, optical fibers, electrical connections) are laid in special dedicated overhead conduits.
The Facility offers the highest levels of efficiency in the world, as confirmed by the parameter that measures data centers' energy efficiency.
The Living Data Center (LDC) is the automated proprietary monitoring system of performance and adjustments of environmental parameters (current consumption, temperature and humidity regulation, air flow regulation, etc.) monitored 24x7 by the Network Operation Center (NOC). The tool views and monitors the environment in real-time, based on millions of daily data collected by over 10.000 sensors. The LDC also detects the energy consumption of every single rack, sending alarm signals based on the reach of attention thresholds. The system ensures optimal data center performance at any time of the year. The NOC monitoring done by on-site operators guarantees prompt reaction if necessary.
Founded in 2006, DATA4 is one of the leading European operators and investors in the data center market. The Group finances, designs, builds and manages its data centers to provide its customers with performing, reliable and scalable Colocation solutions.
DATA4 operates the most powerful data center campuses in Europe with 22 active data centers across France, Italy, Spain and Luxembourg. With large reserves of land and energy (129ha and 209 MW available), the Group supports the growth of its customers with high-quality design infrastructures and an extremely varied portfolio of services, suitable for different needs (from the single rack up to to a dedicated building).
DATA4, allows customers to monitor in real time the various performance and environmental indicators of the spaces and equipment that host them (temperature, hygrometry, water and energy consumption, gas emissions, etc.). Finally, it offers access to a rich ecosystem of partners and a full range of logistics and operational services, including connectivity, with more than 220 cloud and environmental destinations, spaces and telecommunications operators.
Via Monzoro, 101-105
20007 Cornaredo MI
3 Access routes to the Campus, 30 min from Malpensa and Linate airport and Milan central station, ITALY
The first campus dedicated to digital in Italy, a hub between the Mediterranean Basin and Europe.
The IT infrastructures are hosted on a Campus with totally independent buildings with a view to DRP or High Availabilty.
The Design is resilient and redundant to ensure the continuity of services. With Two active-passive high voltage underground lines each of 132 kV
Data4 Finances, designs, builds and manages data centers to provide high performance, keeping them safe and environmentally friendly.
DATA4 has data centers in France, Italy, Spain and Luxembourg thus offering Colocation services in different European countries
With 129 hectares and 209 MW of resources, DATA4 has land reserves and power capacity that are unique in the European market.
In detail, the Data4 Datacenter:
Appropriate tools for managing the distribution and cooling network
In qualsiasi momento, e soprattutto in un periodo di crisi, le risorse operative presenti nei Data Center possono subire limitazioni; anche in questi casi, tuttavia, le infrastrutture IT dei clienti devono rimanere operative – se non addirittura farsi carico di un lavoro ancora maggiore – e per questo DATA4 ha reso possibile il controllo operativo della propria rete da remoto.
Starting from the control room of the Data Center, but also remotely, the infrastructure managers constantly monitor the status of the electrical distribution network, the cooling systems and the safety of the site.
DATA4 also offers resources for predictive maintenance and uses specific detectors applied to critical infrastructures to ensure even greater vigilance, prevent any type of malfunction or breakdown and guarantee customers the highest possible availability rate both in normal times and in the event of a crisis.
Il campus a regime potrà sostenere consumi fino a 40 Mw. Tutto il carico IT è protetto da un sistema UPS tri-ridondante in grado di assicurare il 100% di disponibilità (100% uptime).
This result is made possible by the architecture of the electrical system, unique of its kind, engineered according to what is required to obtain Tier4 certification (“system + system” mode (2N + 1)).
A "system + system" is based on two separate electrical systems, each of which can support, at any time, the load of the entire Facility. Each system is equipped with its own UPS (Uninterruptible Power Systems), System Bypass Modules, PDU (Power Distribution Units), RPP (Remote Power Panels) and other components suitable for the tiering level. These systems are totally independent of each other in order to allow all maintenance, updates and troubleshooting activities both as a planned activity and on specific needs without creating any impact on the customer's business. In the data center, each power supply system is identified by a different color (red, blue, gray) allowing maintenance technicians to know in a univocal and easily identifiable way which power supply system is being worked on.
All racks are equipped with a double power supply, both deriving from two totally separate power systems (Feed A + Feed B).
All connections (structured cabling, optical fibers, electrical connections) are laid in special dedicated overhead conduits.
All the electricity consumption of our Data Centers is counterbalanced 100% by electricity from renewable sources, fed into the grid by our suppliers.
The Living Data Center (LDC) is the proprietary automated performance monitoring system and adjustments to environmental parameters (energy absorption, temperature and humidity regulation, air flow regulation, etc.) monitored 24x7 by the Network Operation Center (NOC). The tool displays and monitors the environment in real time based on millions of daily data collected by over 10,000 sensors. The LDC also detects the energy consumption of each individual rack by sending alarm signals based on the achievement of warning thresholds. The system ensures optimal operation of the data center at any time of the year. The monitoring of the NOC operators present on-site guarantees a prompt reaction in case of need.