All our services are certified for quality and security.
Our Partners need CoreTech's Cloud infrastructures to locate their clients' servers, data and applications, that's why we guarantee them maximum security and high process standards at all times.
CoreTech's promise to deliver on this commitment is confirmed by its internationally recognized ISO / IEC certifications.
Compliant with the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard for the following products/services
Compliance has been achieved for the following products / services
Through the application of ISO/IEC 27017:20215, ISO/IEC 27018:2019, and ISO/IEC 27701:2019 guidelines
CoreTech Srl cloud services including Stellar Cloud Server and 1Backup guarantee certified security and transparency for its users.
These services are declared under CISPE Code of Conduct - Cloud Infrastructure Services Provider Europe - and are identified by a hallmark that offers customers the freedom to store and process their data within the European Economic Area. Furthermore, the same brand guarantees that the cloud service provider does not access or use customer data for personal purposes, such as 'data mining', 'data profiling', or direct marketing.
Compliant cloud services are available in the
CISPE Public Registry
SWIPO (Switching Cloud Providers and Porting Data), is a multi-stakeholder group promoted by the European Commission, to develop voluntary codes of conduct for the correct application of the EU Regulation on the free flow of non-personal data.
What are the key objectives of SWIPO AISBL?
Based on Commission policies, SWIPO AISBL's main goal is to reduce the risk of supplier constraints by cloud service providers in light of the growing importance for the European data economy.
The SWIPO working groups were created in 2018 as a multi-stakeholder forum facilitated by the European Commission, to develop voluntary codes of conduct for the correct application of the regulation on the free movement of non-personal data/article 6 "Porting of data".
The aim of the self-regulatory work is therefore to make the European cloud services market more fluid and to allow large and small companies as well as new market players to compete fairly and efficiently. Two codes of conduct have been created, one aimed at the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) market, the second aimed at the Software as a Service (SaaS) one.
How will SWIPO support our industry?
Go to the Qualification Form available link ..