Update - VMExplorer
UpdateNuova release di VM Explorer 7.1
È stata appena rilasciata la versione 7.1 di VM Explorer Ecco le principali novità relative a questa release: Supporto per VMware vSphere 6.7 Con la versione 7.1 di VM Explorer è suppo ...
UpdateVM Explorer 6.2, 6.1 e 6.0: End of Sale
Dopo il rilascio di VM Explorer 6.3, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) ha annunciato che nei prossimi mesi non saranno più disponibili le versioni del software 6.2.x e precedenti, quali 6.1.x e 6.0.x. Tut ...
UpdateVM Explorer 6.1.5 Beta
VM Explorer 6.1.5 introduces the following new features:
Encrypted backup to Cloud
It is now possible to encrypt Virtual Machine backups directly to the cloud
French & Japanese localization
Two new la ...
UpdateRilasciato VM Explorer 6.0
The Trilead team is pleased to announce the release of VM Explorer 6.0 which introduces the option to archive your backups to tape media and to create storage snapshots on EMC ScaleIO.
VM Explorer 6.0 has the ...
UpdateRilasciato VM Explorer 5.4
The Trilead team is pleased to annouce the release of VM Explorer 5.4
VM Explorer 5.4 introduces two of the most requested features: Encrypted backup and support for LVM disk for file level restore.
VM Explor ...
UpdateRilasciato VM Explorer 5.4
Trilead is pleased to announce the release of new VM Explorer 5.4 RC
VM Explorer 5.4 RC available for download
Dear User,
Trilead is pleased to announce the release of new VM Explorer 5.4 RC
VM Explorer 5.4 ...
UpdateRilasciato VM Explorer 5.3
VM Explorer 5.3: Support for VMware VSAN
The Trilead team is pleased to annouce the release of VM Explorer 5.3 which introduces many minor enhancements, bugfixes and the support for VMware VSAN.
VM Explorer 5. ...
UpdateRilasciato VM Explorer 5.3 RC
Trilead is pleased to announce the release of new VM Explorer 5.3 RC
The main new features of VM Explorer 5.3 RC are:
Support for VMware Virtual SAN
VM Explorer now supports Virtual SAN datastores for Incr ...