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How to best use Sygma Connect

30/03/20 c.ardia News

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Because of the very high number of activations we are handling these days we have collected all the material available to us on Sygma Connect in a single page.
Before you open a SUPPORT request, review the information below.

CORONAVIRUS EMERGENCY: We have set up a group called Computer Entrepreneurs who could contact you to ask if you need help.


Guides and KB

This address provides guides and procedureshttps://www.coretech.it/it/service/knowledge_base/Sygma-Connect/Sygma-Connect---Eng/

  • Sygma Connect Service Log Verification on Linux
  • Sygma Connect service installation on Linux
  • Windows Sygma Connect operating system requirements
  • Linux Sygma Connect operating system requirements
  • Mac OSX Sygma Connect operating system requirements
  • View Sygma Connect ID and password on Linux
  • Remove Uninstall Sygma Connect on Linu
  • Sygma Connect service update on Linux
  • Check the status of the Sygma Connect service on Linux
  • Check the Sygma Connect version installed on Linux
  • Sygma Connect: Access to PCs with User Privileges (UAC)
  • Sygma Connect: White Label customization
  • Welcome to Sygma Connect
  • How to create additional Sygma connect users


For information about changes to the program, refer to this page




This video shows how to install Sygma Connect on a remote machine and how to add the id in the address book



The architecture of Sygma Connect is distributed and involves, in addition to the CoreTech cloud, also that of other operators.
Therefore, there are several gateway servers deployed across multiple datacenters so that you can always ensure that the service works.

If you notice slowdowns let us know, in this way we can check if one of the gateway servers hosted at other datacenters/providers is malfunctioning or performing poorly.


Communication between your PC with Sygma Connect and the remote PC starts using the HTTPS secure protocol.

Sygma Connect does not require special network configurations and if a computer is able to browse the internet in HTTPS then Sygma Connect must work properly!


You must have an active Sygma account before you can use Sygma Connect. The Sygma account is generated at the time of therequestCONFIRMATION made on the sitewww.sygmaconnect.com

If you have made an account request on thewww.sygmaconnect.comwebsite you need to confirm the email by clicking on it. CHECK in SPAM if necessary.




If the same company needs to have more than 2 concurrent channels, it can request the free increase at this address support@sygma.pro

IMPORTANT: The enabled account is at the 'company' level so that additional users of the same company do not need new registration requests from the SygmaConnect site, just log in https://my.sygma.procon with the credentials received and create the users of SygmaConnect type under the same account.

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Knowledge Base su SygmaConnect

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