SmarterMail Versione 15.0.5932 - Release Notes
07/04/16 Update
- Added: A disk usage indicator has been added to the logout dropdown menu to display a user's disk usage versus what is available.
- Added: Certificates for DKIM can now be managed through the API.
- Added: Dashboard page for the spool showing top sending and receiving email and IP addresses. Actions can be taken to delete or move spool messages for a particular IP or email address, as well as to block more messages from those addresses.
- Added: Disposable addresses can now be cancelled.
- Added: Domains and user accounts can now be renamed through the web interface without stopping the SmarterMail service.
- Added: Exchange ActiveSync Ping connections are now displayed on the Current Connections page.
- Added: Global spam settings are now found in a spamConfig.xml file and can be uploaded, allowing them to be easily moved over from one server to another.
- Added: Meeting requests from email messages are now automatically added to a user's calendar in webmail with a tentative status.
- Added: Multiple phone numbers of each type can now be added to contacts in webmail.
- Added: Permission settings have been added for system administrator accounts for allowing them to manage domains and impersonate accounts.
- Added: Spam settings importing now displays a modal window with a drag and drop area.
- Added: Support for the IMAP Children extension.
- Added: Support for the IMAP Quota extension. IMAP clients can notify users when they are getting near their mailbox size limit.
- Added: Syncing contacts with clients that support multiple phone numbers of the same type or more than three email addresses will now properly save and sync those extra fields.
- Added: System administrators and domains can now upload a favicon icon to use for webmail.
- Added: System administrators can now change the account they are impersonating from the domain’s users grid.
- Added: System administrators can now create temporary passwords for user accounts to troubleshoot issues. The actual user’s passwords can no longer be displayed in webmail while managing a domain.
- Added: The type of a phone number in webmail now includes iPhone.
- Added: Uploads in webmail now support a drag and drop area.
- Added: Webmail now supports adding more than three email addresses to a contact.
- Changed: Administrative logging was updated to log more efficiently and to be easier to read.
- Changed: All settings files with a _bak file will automatically load from that _bak file if loading of the primary file fails.
- Changed: Previous passwords can no longer be used when changing an expired password.
- Fixed: A scenario where IMAP migration could fail.
- Fixed: Adding a contact using Exchange Web Services now properly adds email address 2 and 3.
- Fixed: Blanking out fields in a contact now syncs properly using Exchange Web Services.
- Fixed: Domain extensions longer than four characters are no longer cut off when adding attendees to calendar events.
- Fixed: Exchange Web Services now includes HomePhone2 and BusinessPhone2 when a client requests the default fields for a contact.
- Fixed: Messages added to sent items when sending from Mac Mail using Exchange Web Services are now marked as read.
- Fixed: Non all day appointments synced with CalDAV that have a UTC start time of 12 AM no longer sync as all day appointments.
- Fixed: Notes now delete properly from clients synced using Exchange ActiveSync.
- Fixed: Scenario where some messages imported using IMAP migration would get added with the current date and time instead of the correct one for that message.
- Fixed: Searching in webmail now functions correctly on servers with FIPS compliance enabled.
- Fixed: The algorithm for determining if a message part is an attachment when syncing with Exchange Web Services is now the same as webmail.
- Fixed: The max weight setting now functions correctly for any URIBL check.
- Fixed: The start and end times for all day appointments synced with Exchange ActiveSync are now set properly to be 12 AM to midnight in the given time zone.
- Fixed: Users now save properly when using Active Directory authentication and a Windows username that is different than the SmarterMail username.
- Removed: DomainKeys verification is no longer included as part of the spam settings that are automatically created during the getting started wizard.
- Removed: Signing messages with DomainKeys has been removed as that signing method is obsolete. Message signing should be done with DKIM.