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Rilasciato VM Explorer 5.3

03/03/15 Update

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VM Explorer 5.3: Support for VMware VSAN

The Trilead team is pleased to annouce the release of VM Explorer 5.3 which introduces many minor enhancements, bugfixes and the support for VMware VSAN.

VM Explorer 5.3 includes following features:

  • Support for VMware Virtual SAN
    VM Explorer now supports Virtual SAN datastores for Incremental Backup/Replication.
  • Incremental Replication Restore Points
    It's now possible to configure restore points in incremental replications. Thanks to the restore points, VM Explorer can revert the replicated virtual machine to any previous state.
  • Server configuration wizard
    In the web interface the server configuration dialog has been enhanced with a wizard that will guide you through the configuration process with easy steps.

How to install VM Explorer 5.3:
Download the latest version of VM Explorer here: www.trilead.com/Download/ and install VM Explorer as usual For configuration please refer to the PDF manual which is installed with VM Explorer setup file.

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