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Rilasciato SmarterMail 14.1.5675

16/07/15 Update

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Important Notes

There are several important release notes to be aware of before upgrading to this version.

IMPORTANT: SmarterMail 14 now requires Microsoft .NET 4.5. This prevents SmarterMail from running on Windows Server 2003. (Version 14.0.5637)

Version 14.1.5675 (2015-07-16)

  • Added: Migrating contacts from google now import a larger set of contact fields including multiple email addresses.
  • Added: New mailing list variables to display current dates and times based on either the moderator, domain or servers time zone.
  • Added: Option in Account Settings to automatically mark messages filtered to the Junk E-mail folder as read.
  • Added: Private calendar events now function correctly for iOS devices that sync using CalDAV.
  • Added: System administrators now have an option to export a list of domains and their respective active status to a CSV file.
  • Changed: Queued mailbox migrations now import using multiple threads.
  • Changed: Variables for custom mailing list subscriber fields are now case insensitive.
  • Fixed: A scenario where an IMAP connection could get dropped when doing a Gmail migration has been resolved.
  • Fixed: A scenario where Samsung devices syncing with Exchange ActiveSync could continually re-sync a collection will no longer occur.
  • Fixed: All day appointments that span multiple days now show correctly in the mobile interface.
  • Fixed: Calendar events for certain types of time zones now sync times correctly when using Outlook 2013 and Exchange ActiveSync.
  • Fixed: Calendar events that are at midnight in UTC time now display on the correct day in webmail and also sync to the correct date using SharePoint sync.
  • Fixed: Secondary calendars can now be deleted successfully for accounts using a non-English language.
  • Fixed: Selecting all contacts or tasks and then deselecting some items now functions correctly when deleting from those collections.
  • Fixed: Sending a message that exceeds the domain mesage size limit when using version 14.0 of Exchange ActiveSync now returns the correct response.
  • Fixed: Syncing iOS devices using CalDAV will no longer create a new user calendar for each task.
  • Fixed: The drag and drop functionality of email in web mail is now disabled when the folder list is collapsed.
  • Fixed: The Message Sniffer engine is now shut down properly when the SmarterMail service is stopped.
  • Fixed: The MSI installer now includes all of the required files needed to run ClamAV.
  • Fixed: Users with certain foreign (non-English) languages set as Internet Explorer default language can now view existing or create new calendar events without JavaScript errors.

Thank you for using SmarterTools products!

Eventi su SmarterMail

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