SSL certificates are an essential element to ensure the security of your business. They allow you to protect websites and all data that are transmitted electronically without having to incur huge costs.
Thanks to the SSL certificates issued by the Certification Authority CERTUM PCC, you can take care of your customers and ensure their transactions.
The Single Domain certificate is suitable for securing single domains with or without the WWW.
Example, with only one certificate you can cover a domain such as:
The Wildcard certificate is used to validate and certify the main domain and all related subdomains.
For instance, with a single certificate you can cover at the same time:
and so on….
The choice of Wildcard certificates is suitable for all customers who have a domain with various names / services to manage their activities. With this solution you will have simplified management since there is no need to buy multiple certificates for each subdomain but only one is enough.
The MultiDomain certificate can simultaneously support multiple different domains and subdomains.
The choice of Multidomain certificates is ideal for customers who have many management services with various domains. By purchasing a MultiDomain certificate it is possible to save a lot and speed up the installation activity for each domain used. For instance, a certificate of this type can replace 10 Single Domain SSL certificates.
"Certification Authority" provides a certificate based on the name and domain you enter in the application form. In any case, a verification will be carried out by sending an email to the domain Administrator.
Single Domain Wildcard Multidomain
This certificate increases the site credibility, instantly providing identity confirmation and strong SSL protection against fraudulent intrusion. For its generation, the CA carries out thorough checks on the applicant's credentials.
Single Domain Wildcard
The WebTrustSM/TM seal is an indication for users that the certification authority applies: all online security requirements, confidentiality in data processing, and security in both online communication and commercial operations.
All digital certificates provided by CERTUM confirm electronic identity, guarantee authenticity and ensure reliability of data and documents transmitted online.
"Thanks to the CERTUM certificate I have gained reliability for my E-commerce at a much lower price than any other certificate available on the internet!"