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Alternative to MailChimp and Mailup

MailChimp plans, the best-known platform in the world

The free plan allows to have a database with 2000 addresses and send up to 12000 emails per month. One of the most annoying limitations is that every email sent reports in each message's footer that the email was sent with MailChimp… In his way, all customers will know that the newsletter was sent with a free service... and it won't look good from a corporate image perspective. The first payment plan starts from $10 per month for lists up to 500 addresses. In addition, if you wish for a customized domain you must pay $99/year.

MailUp plans, a platform made by an Italian company

Unlike MailChimp there is no free plan. Base package starts from 470 euro/year up to 6000 email addresses. MailChimp and MailUp are two generally suitable solutions for marketing and communication agencies and big companies.

RocketNews plans, the Italian platform with affordable prices

What about those who want to spend less and don't need to send to such a significant number of email addresses? RocketNews! Like a Super Mailbox, easy, user-friendly, and with at a reasonable cost for anyone. RocketNews is an alternative to MailChimp and MailUp, designed to meet the needs of all the businesses with the same requirements as large companies, but with a limited number of recipients.
With RocketNewsletter companies can communicate with their customers concerning:

  • corporate communications
  • updates of commercial price-lists
  • information on new products and services
  • offers and promotions
  • news and articles
  • participation in demonstrations and events
  • information on office hours
  • wishes for the holidays
  • & much more

All the plans have every feature available and differ only by the number of email addresses the database can include. In addition, thanks to the built-in block editor, RocketNews is available to everyone!
As simple as that!

The advantages





User-friendly, powerful and suitable for everyone

With RocketNews you can create successful and customized email marketing campaigns to increase your contacts' responsiveness.
The easy and immediate platform allows even those who don't know HTML and have no experience in the layout, to create a nice Newsletter with the built-in Block Editor that will carry out the whole technical structure part.
To create or edit the message, just drag the blocks (text, images…) with a simple drag&drop from the left menu to the interesting point within the message. Once inserted just double click to edit the content and parameters interacting with the side menu. Of course, you can save your message to keep editing it later. The built-in editor will manage independently to optimize the message to ensure maximum performance on every device: mobile, tablet, or computer.

Import and segment your contacts

You can import a large number of contacts. The system processes by default the list of imported email addresses and detects any syntax and typing error, identifying already existing contacts in the database, avoiding duplication. In just a few steps you already have at your disposal a user List. To make the best out of the added addresses you can segment them into lists or categories of interest.
For each user, you can add some attributes even after, such as name, last name, business, etc… that allow you to easily filter your contacts.
The software allows managing the creation of:

  • Registration forms
  • Unsubscribing forms
  • Rejected rules

General statistics

With RocketNews you control the results of your campaigns in real-time. You are provided with detailed statistics to analyze:

  • Message views
  • Click per URL
  • Click per messages
  • Unsubscribers

Segment your contacts in nominal lists

  • RocketNews allows you to import your existing contacts from external files and/or database (importing all available sensitive data in the original file) defining for each of them the affiliation to one or more segmentation lists (customizable), that will allow you to carry out sendings of Newsletters and Dem in a targeted and effective way. For each "Member" featured in one or more lists it will be possible to view quickly and constantly the sending history and all associated sensitive data.

Bounce and members' status management

  • Manages in full autonomy negative feedbacks from mail servers by associating reception states to members (Bounce).

Monitoring your Marketing Campaigns

  • View in real-time feedbacks on campaigns submission and consequent user interaction (users reactions, contact trends, interactions, unsubscribers, and much more…).

Drag&drop Editor

  • Thanks to the built-in drag&drop editor even the less experienced and non-programmers will be able to create Newsletters to be sent simultaneously and reach your market share.


  • Sending newsletters, designing e-mail campaigns, and keeping in touch.
  • Reaching more contacts in less time.
  • "Drag & Drop" User-friendly Interface.
  • Organizing contacts in one platform.
  • Creating segments of your contacts using basic or advanced logic.
